Our Services and Programs
Move and Play Paediatric Therapy provides family-friendly, flexible and fun children’s therapy services and programs.
Therapy Programs
Each therapy program at Move and Play is as individualised at each child and family!
Your child’s therapist will work with you to design a unique program of supports that helps your child to progress towards their goals, but also fits into your family’s overall lifestyle and requirements.
Our therapy programs can consist of 1:1 therapy, buddy therapy, group programs, parent education and coaching, consultation and coaching support for your child’s educators, one off developmental reviews, intensive therapy blocks, allied health assistance programs, and community based supports.
We don’t believe that every child needs therapy, that every child needs 1:1 therapy, or that every child needs ongoing therapy. However, we do strongly believe that every child will thrive from being in an engaging, play-based, inclusive and supportive environment, where they can participate in fun activities that support their development, and are surrounded by people who can help their developmental progress everyday. Our range of therapy services reflects this.